Roof Restoration, Maintenance and Repair Specialists in Sydney

Roof Repairs

Roof Repair Services

Roofs naturally deteriorate over time due to exposure to the elements. It is crucial to address any repair requirements promptly to prevent them from escalating into more serious issues. Neglected roof repairs can lead to water leaks, structural damage and other costly problems.

Aabacus Roofing is a reputable team of roofing specialists dedicated to providing high-quality roof repair services. With over 17 years of experience in the industry, we have the expertise to address your roof repair needs effectively. We understand the importance of maintaining a water-tight roof that can withstand environmental factors and protect your home.

Our team of roofing specialists is skilled in identifying and repairing various roofing issues. Whether you have missing or damaged tiles, leaks, sagging areas, or any other problem, we have the knowledge and tools to address them effectively. We prioritise the functionality and durability of your roof, ensuring that it can withstand harsh weather conditions and provide reliable protection for your home. Giving you peace of mind.

Why Choose Aabacus Roofing

With over 15 years of experience in the roofing industry, we possess the knowledge and skills to achieve exceptional results. Our objective is not only to enhance the visual appeal of your roof but also to ensure its optimal functionality. Honesty and reliability are core values for us, and we never charge for unnecessary work, treating your project as if it were our own.

Fully Insured And licenced

Only Use Best Quality Materials

Affordable Price

Qualified And Trained Workers

Repair and Maintenance

Re-bedding and re-pointing are indeed vital maintenance tasks that should be considered periodically to ensure the durability of your roof. The frequency of these tasks depends on the quality of the previous work performed. Aabacus Roofing understands the importance of these maintenance tasks and can assist you in identifying any potential threats to the integrity of your roof.

When re-bedding and re-pointing, our highly qualified team of tradesmen will meticulously inspect your roof for any damaged or deteriorated mortar. They will then remove the old mortar and replace it with fresh mortar, ensuring a secure and watertight seal. This process not only enhances the functionality of your roof but also significantly improves its overall appearance.

At Aabacus Roofing Solutions, we understand the importance of transparency in building trust with our clients. We take pride in being known as honest and reliable roofing specialists who prioritise exceptional customer service. Our commitment to transparency extends to our pricing and services.

With our bonus offer of a free no obligation inspection and quote for your roof, we can guarantee no hidden costs with our service. To find out more, contact us today.

Our Roof Restoration Services in Sydney

Roof Painting

Roof painting is a crucial step for concrete roof tiles. As it provides a protection layer and seals the tiles to ensure they are water tight. Terricotta roof can be coated using paint, sealants, or specialized roof coatings.
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Roof Restoration

The process starts with a thorough inspection of the roof’s condition. Roofing professionals assess the state of the roof, looking for signs of damage, leaks, and other issues. This inspection helps determine the scope of work required.
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Roof Cleaning Hills District

High Pressure Cleaning

Before any repairs or coatings are applied, the roof is cleaned to remove dirt, debris, moss, algae, and other contaminants. This cleaning can be done using pressure washing or other appropriate methods.
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Roof Repairs Lane Cove

Roof Repairs​

After cleaning, any damaged or deteriorated roofing materials are addressed. This may involve replacing broken or missing tiles, repairing damaged flashing, or addressing structural issues.
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Driveway cleaning

A clean driveway is the gateway to a stunning roof! Trust our specialists for thorough driveway cleaning services that complement your roofing project.

Contact Us

Aabacus Roofing Solutions provide professional, high quality and reliable roof repair services that will help you with any repairs your roof might need.

To find out more about our service, you can contact us today by calling  0404 397 198 / 02 8677 4141 or by emailing us.

Our roof repair services include replacing broken tiles, replacing timber battens, re-pointing, re-bedding and sealing/glazing. We are also able to cleanrestore and paint your roof with our full roofing service.

Our Testimonials

Our Portfolio

Book A Free Roof Inspection

We will contact you to organise an appropriate time to meet.

    Contact Our Roofing Specialists

    We are based in the outer Sydney suburbs, helping clients in Epping, Ryde and more. For a team of highly qualified and reliable tradesman who have had over a decade in the industry, contact us today.